BFME 2 - ROTWK Code Refence  1.0
CastleBehavior Class Reference

Public Attributes

Percentage RepairHealthPercentPerSecond
SignedInteger BuildVariation
UnpackBase CastleToUnpackForFaction
ObjectFilter FilterValidOwnedEntries
ObjectFilter FilterCrew
UnpackDecal FactionDecal
PreBuiltObjectLocation PreBuiltList
String PreBuiltPlyr
String DecalName
FloatingPoint DecalSize
FloatingPoint FadeTime
FloatingPoint UnpackDelayTime
FloatingPoint BuildTime
FloatingPoint ScanDistance
FloatingPoint MaxCastleRadius
UnsignedInteger CrewPrepareTime
Boolean InstantUnpack
Boolean KeepDeathKillsEverything
FXList CrewReleaseFX
FXList CrewPrepareFX
UnsignedInteger CrewPrepareInterval
Boolean DisableStructureRotation
EvaEvent EvaEnemyCastleSightedEvent
Boolean Summoned
Boolean TransferFoundationHealthToCastleUponUnpack

Detailed Description

Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_TheCastleBehavior

; L01EA758C:   
RepairHealthPercentPerSecond = 5 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage
BuildVariation = 1; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value
; L01EDC5C0:   
CastleToUnpackForFaction = Men Castle_Men 2000 100; L00EC09E0: Side - Base File - Cost - ? //Multiple Entries Allowed
FilterValidOwnedEntries = ANY + STRUCTURE; SUB_L00EDCA00:Object Filter
FilterCrew = ANY + STRUCTURE; SUB_L00EDCA00:Object Filter
FactionDecal = Gondor GBCampFloor 675.0; L00EC0780: Side - Object - Size //'A CastleBehavior entry calls for a FactionDecal.',0Ah,' This is an obsolete feature, which will be removed soon. ',0Ah,'You should expect bad results. ',0Ah,'Please use an object with W3DFloorDraw, instead. -MLo',0 //Multiple Entries Allowed
PreBuiltList = ElvenVigilantEntExpansion 3; L00EC0670: Object - Location //Multiple Entries Allowed
PreBuiltPlyr = PlyrRivendell; SUB_L006D4C30:String(PlayerName(WB))
DecalName = SCCguardianFoot; SUB_L006D4C30:String(Decal)
DecalSize = 5.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value
FadeTime = 2.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value // 2 seconds
UnpackDelayTime = 0.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value
BuildTime = 100; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value
ScanDistance = 150; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value
MaxCastleRadius = 420.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value
CrewPrepareTime = 6000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value
InstantUnpack = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean
KeepDeathKillsEverything = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean
CrewReleaseFX = FX_EntMootRelease; SUB_L00E6BD90:FXList
CrewPrepareFX = FX_EntMootPrepare; SUB_L00E6BD90:FXList
CrewPrepareInterval = 12000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //six second interval
DisableStructureRotation = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean
EvaEnemyCastleSightedEvent = EnemyFortressSighted; L00ACAD80:EvaEvent
Summoned = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean
TransferFoundationHealthToCastleUponUnpack = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean


Member Data Documentation

◆ CastleToUnpackForFaction

UnpackBase CastleToUnpackForFaction

Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ FactionDecal

UnpackDecal FactionDecal

Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ PreBuiltList

PreBuiltObjectLocation PreBuiltList

Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ PreBuiltPlyr

String PreBuiltPlyr

String(PlayerName - Worldbuilder)

◆ DecalName

String DecalName
