BFME 2 - ROTWK Code Refence  1.0
ClearanceTestingSlowDeathBehavior Class Reference

Public Attributes

DeathTypeFilter DeathTypes
ObjectStatus ExemptStatus
ObjectStatus RequiredStatus
FloatingPoint DamageAmountRequired
Degrees MinKillerAngle
Degrees MaxKillerAngle
FloatingPoint SinkRate
SignedInteger ProbabilityModifier
Percentage ModifierBonusPerOverkillPercent
UnsignedInteger SinkDelay
UnsignedInteger SinkDelayVariance
UnsignedInteger DestructionDelay
UnsignedInteger DestructionDelayVariance
UnsignedInteger DecayBeginTime
MomentFXList FX
MomentWeapon Weapon
MomentSound Sound
Unknown ClearanceGeometry
FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryMajorRadius
FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryMinorRadius
Vector3 ClearanceGeometryRotationAnchorOffset
FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryHeight
Boolean ClearanceGeometryIsSmall
Vector3 ClearanceGeometryOffset
FloatingPoint ClearanceMaxHeight
FloatingPoint ClearanceMaxHeightFraction
FloatingPoint ClearanceMinHeight
FloatingPoint ClearanceMinHeightFraction

Detailed Description

Behavior = ClearanceTestingSlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_TheClearanceTestingSlowDeathBehavior

; L01F2EA00:   
DeathTypes = NONE + CRUSHED; L00E6D050: ALL / NONE Filter
ExemptStatus = SOLD; SUB_L00C118B0: BitStatus //May not have this Status
RequiredStatus = DEATH_3; SUB_L00C118B0: BitStatus //Must have this Status
DamageAmountRequired = 15.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value//Damage required before this behavior can occur
MinKillerAngle = -46; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //Degrees
MaxKillerAngle = 46; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //Degrees
; L01F310C0:   
SinkRate = 0.40; L00E6CC60:Floating Point Value //Speed at which the body sinks (in Dist/Sec)
ProbabilityModifier = 50; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //Chance of this death occuring
ModifierBonusPerOverkillPercent = 20 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage //Negative means less likely to pick this in the face of much damage, positive means more likely
SinkDelay = 3000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Wait this long before physical model starts sinking (milliseconds)
SinkDelayVariance = 100; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //SinkDelay can vary by this amount (milliseconds)
DestructionDelay = 8000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //The deletion of the object (milliseconds)
DestructionDelayVariance = 100; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //DestructionDelay can vary by this amount (milliseconds)
DecayBeginTime = 5000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Time before decay animation starts...
FX = INITIAL FX_CatapultDieExplosion; L01E71D48 = L01196A40: Moment - FXList //Multiple Entries Allowed
OCL = FINAL OCL_GondorCavalryDeathRunAwayB; L01E999A4 = L01196BB0: Moment - OCL //Multiple Entries Allowed
Weapon = MIDPOINT WatcherSummoning; L01196D20: Moment - Weapon //Multiple Entries Allowed
Sound = INITIAL YeomanArcherVoiceDie; L01DFDE88 = L01196ED0: Moment - Sound //Sound to play at a point in time
FlingForce = 8.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //Speed at which to be flung
FlingForceVariance = 3.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //FlingForce can vary by this amount
FlingPitch = 60.0; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //Pitch of which the guy is to be flung
FlingPitchVariance = 10.0; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //FlingPitch can vary by this amount
DeathFlags = DEATH_1; L01196FC0 //Tell model which death animation to play
ShadowWhenDead = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Draw a shadow or not? "Volumetric shadows don't look so bad when sinking into ground"
FadeDelay = 0; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Time to wait before fading (milliseconds)
FadeTime = 0; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Time to spend fading (milliseconds)
DoNotRandomizeMidpoint = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Make "MIDPOINT" slightly random or not
; L01F39D48: <--Requires Improvement Later-->  
; This is the area which must be clear for this slow death to go off
; (EA Debug) Use Control - Shift - Alt - E in game to display this area
; (EA Debug) Use debug.add l + clearancetestingslowdeathbehavior to get feedback on why test fails
ClearanceGeometry = Box; L006FAA50 //Geometry Type
ClearanceGeometryMajorRadius = 32.0; L006F9120 //Geometry MajorRadius
ClearanceGeometryMinorRadius = 32.0; L006F9170 //Geometry MinorRadius
ClearanceGeometryRotationAnchorOffset = X:15 Y : 0 Z : 0; L006F6EB0 //Rotated this much around the centerpoint (Geometry offset)
ClearanceGeometryHeight = 32.0; L006F90C0: float //Height of the geometry
ClearanceGeometryIsSmall = No; L006F9090: Boolean
ClearanceGeometryOffset = X : -36 Y : 0 Z : 0; SUB_L006D5320:XYZ Vector //Geometry offset
ClearanceMaxHeight = 32; L006D4890: float //Used for checking with the MaxHeightFraction
ClearanceMaxHeightFraction = 0.050; L006D4890: float //If more than 5% of the cells in the clearance geometry are more than 32 units (ClearanceMaxHeight) above the Oliphant's base, don't fall (don't fall into cliffs)
ClearanceMinHeight = -32; L006D4A00: float //Used for checking with the MinHeightFraction
ClearanceMinHeightFraction = 0.40; L006D4890: float //If more than 40% of the cells in the clearance geometry are more than 32 units (ClearanceMinHeight) below the Oliphant's base, don't fall (don't get left hanging over a cliff)
{ Fix Types... }


Member Data Documentation

◆ ExemptStatus

ObjectStatus ExemptStatus

May not have this Status

◆ RequiredStatus

ObjectStatus RequiredStatus

Must have this Status

◆ DamageAmountRequired

FloatingPoint DamageAmountRequired

Damage required before this behavior can occur

◆ MinKillerAngle

Degrees MinKillerAngle

◆ MaxKillerAngle

Degrees MaxKillerAngle

◆ SinkRate

FloatingPoint SinkRate

Speed at which the body sinks (in Dist/Sec)

◆ ProbabilityModifier

SignedInteger ProbabilityModifier

Chance of this death occuring

◆ ModifierBonusPerOverkillPercent

Percentage ModifierBonusPerOverkillPercent

Negative means less likely to pick this in the face of much damage, positive means more likely

◆ SinkDelay

UnsignedInteger SinkDelay

Wait this long before physical model starts sinking (milliseconds)

◆ SinkDelayVariance

UnsignedInteger SinkDelayVariance

SinkDelay can vary by this amount (milliseconds)

◆ DestructionDelay

UnsignedInteger DestructionDelay

The deletion of the object (milliseconds)

◆ DestructionDelayVariance

UnsignedInteger DestructionDelayVariance

DestructionDelay can vary by this amount (milliseconds)

◆ DecayBeginTime

UnsignedInteger DecayBeginTime

Time before decay animation starts...

◆ FX

Multiple Entries Allowed



Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ Weapon

MomentWeapon Weapon

Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ Sound

MomentSound Sound

Sound to play at a point in time

◆ ClearanceGeometry

Unknown ClearanceGeometry

Geometry Type

◆ ClearanceGeometryMajorRadius

FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryMajorRadius

Geometry MajorRadius

◆ ClearanceGeometryMinorRadius

FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryMinorRadius

Geometry MinorRadius

◆ ClearanceGeometryRotationAnchorOffset

Vector3 ClearanceGeometryRotationAnchorOffset

Rotated this much around the centerpoint (Geometry offset)

◆ ClearanceGeometryHeight

FloatingPoint ClearanceGeometryHeight

Height of the geometry

◆ ClearanceGeometryIsSmall

Boolean ClearanceGeometryIsSmall


◆ ClearanceGeometryOffset

Vector3 ClearanceGeometryOffset

Geometry offset

◆ ClearanceMaxHeight

FloatingPoint ClearanceMaxHeight

Used for checking with the MaxHeightFraction

◆ ClearanceMaxHeightFraction

FloatingPoint ClearanceMaxHeightFraction

If more than 5% of the cells in the clearance geometry are more than 32 units (ClearanceMaxHeight) above the Oliphant's base, don't fall (don't fall into cliffs)

◆ ClearanceMinHeight

FloatingPoint ClearanceMinHeight

Used for checking with the MinHeightFraction

◆ ClearanceMinHeightFraction

FloatingPoint ClearanceMinHeightFraction

If more than 40% of the cells in the clearance geometry are more than 32 units (ClearanceMinHeight) below the Oliphant's base, don't fall (don't get left hanging over a cliff)