BFME 2 - ROTWK Code Refence  1.0
HordeContain Class Reference

Public Attributes

SignedInteger ContainMax
AudioEvent EnterSound
AudioEvent ExitSound
Percentage DamagePercentToUnits
ObjectFilter PassengerFilter
ObjectFilter ManualPickUpFilter
FloatingPoint PassengersTestCollisionHeight
Boolean PassengersInTurret
SignedInteger NumberOfExitPaths
UnsignedInteger DoorOpenTime
Boolean AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride
Boolean AllowAlliesInside
Boolean AllowEnemiesInside
Boolean AllowNeutralInside
Boolean ShowPips
Boolean CollidePickup
PassengerBoneKindof PassengerBonePrefix
IndexAnimationState BoneSpecificConditionState
Boolean EjectPassengersOnDeath
Boolean KillPassengersOnDeath
Boolean Enabled
ObjectStatus ObjectStatusOfContained
Strings ModifierToGiveOnExit
UnsignedInteger ModifierRequiredTime
DeathTypeFilter DeathTypes
ObjectStatus ExemptStatus
ObjectStatus RequiredStatus
FloatingPoint DamageAmountRequired
Degrees MinKillerAngle
Degrees MaxKillerAngle
SignedInteger Slots
Boolean ScatterNearbyOnExit
Boolean OrientLikeContainerOnExit
Boolean GoAggressiveOnExit
Boolean ResetMoodCheckTimeOnExit
Boolean DestroyRidersWhoAreNotFreeToExit
String ExitBone
FloatingPoint ExitPitchRate
Payload InitialPayload
FloatingPoint HealthRegen_PerSec
UnsignedInteger ExitDelay
KindofList TypeOneForWeaponSet
KindofList TypeTwoForWeaponSet
KindofList TypeOneForWeaponState
KindofList TypeTwoForWeaponState
KindofList TypeThreeForWeaponState
Boolean ForceOrientationContainer
Boolean CanGrabStructure
Weapon GrabWeapon
Boolean FireGrabWeaponOnVictim
ContainCondition ConditionForEntry
Boolean ShouldThrowOutPassengers
UnsignedInteger ThrowOutPassengersDelay
Vector3 ThrowOutPassengersVelocity
Weapon ThrowOutPassengersLandingWarhead
ObjectFilter FadeFilter
Boolean FadePassengerOnEnter
Boolean FadePassengerOnExit
FloatingPoint EnterFadeTime
FloatingPoint ExitFadeTime
Boolean FadeReverse
FloatingPoint ReleaseSnappyness
UpgradeObjectAmount UpgradeCreationTrigger
Boolean ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation
RankInfo RankInfo
UnsignedInteger RanksThatStopAdvance
UnsignedIntegerList RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking
UnsignedIntegerList RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking
ComboHorde ComboHorde
String AlternateFormation
Vector2 RandomOffset
Vector3 LeaderPosition
Strings LeadersAllowed
ObjectPosition BannerCarrierPosition
Strings BannerCarriersAllowed
Boolean BannerCarrierDestroyHordeOnDeath
DeathTypeFilter BannerCarrierHordeDeathType
SignedInteger LeaderRank
UnsignedInteger BackUpMinDelayTime
UnsignedInteger BackUpMaxDelayTime
FloatingPoint BackUpMinDistance
FloatingPoint BackUpMaxDistance
Percentage BackupPercentage
FloatingPoint CowerRadius
Strings AttributeModifiers
Boolean IsPorcupineFormation
LocomotorSetType ForcedLocomotorSet
Boolean MachineAllowed
String MachineType
Boolean UseSlowHordeMovement
SplitHorde SplitHorde
FloatingPoint MeleeAttackLeashDistance
EvaEvent EvaEventLastMemberDeath
Boolean RankSplit
SignedInteger SplitHordeNumber
Boolean NotComboFormation
Boolean UseMarchingAnims
FloatingPoint FrontAngle
UnsignedInteger FlankedDelay
UnsignedInteger FlankedDuration
MeleeBehavior MeleeBehavior
UnsignedInteger MinimumHordeSize
Percentage VisionRearOverride
Percentage VisionSideOverride
UnsignedInteger BannerCarrierMinLevel
String LivingWorldOverloadTemplate

Detailed Description

Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_TheHordeContain

; L01F32CE8:   
ContainMax = 100; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //Max amount of units allowed in this container
EnterSound = BuildingConstructionLoop; L00E6B310:Sound(AudioEvent) //Sound to play when entering the container
ExitSound = BuildingConstructionLoop; L00E6B310:Sound(AudioEvent) //Sound to play when leaving the container
DamagePercentToUnits = 25 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage //This percent of damage that this object gets is given to what is contained
PassengerFilter = ANY + INFANTRY + HORDE + CAVALRY + HERO - SUMMONED - WildSpiderling - WildSpiderlingHorde; SUB_L00EDCA00:Object Filter //Who is allowed to get in the container
ManualPickUpFilter = ANY + CLUB - ORC; SUB_L00EDCA00:Object Filter //we do not want the user to be able to manually pick up an orc with a troll.
PassengersTestCollisionHeight = 20; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //Check collision to disable certain high units from entering?
PassengersInTurret = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Put the contained units in the position of the Turrets -> My passengers ride in my turret, that's where the Firepoint bones are
NumberOfExitPaths = 100; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //Defaults to 1. Set 0 to not use ExitStart/ExitEnd, set higher than 1 to use ExitStart01-nn/ExitEnd01-nn
DoorOpenTime = 1000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Time to wait for doors to open before letting the units go in or out -> 0 = this prevents the Contain module from messing with the doors, since we want DeliverPayload to handle 'em
AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Normally, the Allies check encompasses OwnPlayer. but we reeeeally only want our own guys.
AllowAlliesInside = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Allow this object's Allies to use the container
AllowEnemiesInside = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Allow this object's Enemies to use the container
AllowNeutralInside = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Allow objects that are neutral to this object to use the container
ShowPips = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Show Healthbar of contained units
CollidePickup = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Collide with what you pick up?
PassengerBonePrefix = PassengerBone : ARROWBONE KindOf : INFANTRY; L011A2990: Bone - KindOf //Put the contained units at given bone(s) with this prefix if they are this KindOf //Multiple Entries Allowed
BoneSpecificConditionState 1 PASSENGER_VARIATION_1; L011A2B40: Amount - AnimationState //Gives the unit at the bones mentioned in the "BonePrefix" with a certain number a PassengerVariation state. //Multiple Entries Allowed
EjectPassengersOnDeath = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Relase my contained units on death
KillPassengersOnDeath = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Kill contained units when I die
Enabled = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Is this module enabled? :S
ObjectStatusOfContained = UNSELECTABLE CAN_ATTACK; L011A2930: List of Object Statuses //Object Statuses given to contained units.
ModifierToGiveOnExit = GothmogIronHand; SUB_L006D34D0:Strings(ModifierList) //Modifier to give to a unit when it leaves the container //Multiple Entries Allowed
ModifierRequiredTime = 1000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //How long the unit has to be in the container in order to get the modifier
; L01F2EA00:   
DeathTypes = NONE + CRUSHED; L00E6D050: ALL / NONE Filter
ExemptStatus = SOLD; SUB_L00C118B0: BitStatus //May not have this Status
RequiredStatus = DEATH_3; SUB_L00C118B0: BitStatus //Must have this Status
DamageAmountRequired = 15.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value//Damage required before this behavior can occur
MinKillerAngle = -46; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //Degrees
MaxKillerAngle = 46; SUB_L006D4B70:Float Point Value //Degrees
; L01F2B8F8: //Contain module  
Slots = 10; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //Amount of units allowed in the horde
ScatterNearbyOnExit = No; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //No = I have bones for exiting
OrientLikeContainerOnExit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Orient in the same direction as the object I just left
GoAggressiveOnExit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //AI Will tell people to set their mood to Aggressive on exiting
ResetMoodCheckTimeOnExit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Reset some mood check timer?
DestroyRidersWhoAreNotFreeToExit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //'destroy' as opposed to 'kill' the riders that may not exit
ExitBone = WeaponA01; SUB_L006D4C30:String(Bone) //Bone name which units walk to upon exiting the container
ExitPitchRate = 30; L00E6AAC0: Pitch Angle, Pitch angle at which to eject contained ?
InitialPayload = HobbitCivilian 5; L011692F0: Object - Count //Amount of units initially in the horde //Multiple Entries Allowed
HealthRegenPerSec = 2.5; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //Amount of health gained per second for the contained units
ExitDelay = 500; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Delay exiting per unit by this amount of milliseconds
TypeTwoForWeaponSet = INFANTRY; SUB_L00BC5910: List of KindOf's //sets WEAPONSET_PASSENGER_TYPE_TWO
TypeOneForWeaponState = CAN_RIDE_BATTERING_RAM; SUB_L00BC5910: List of KindOf's //sets WEAPONSTATE_ONE Model Condition
TypeTwoForWeaponState = INFANTRY; SUB_L00BC5910: List of KindOf's //sets WEAPONSTATE_TWO Model Condition
TypeThreeForWeaponState = CLUB; SUB_L00BC5910: List of KindOf's //sets WEAPONSTATE_THREE Model Condition
ForceOrientationContainer = No; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Can contained units orient themselves towards their targets?
CanGrabStructure = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Can we grab objects that are structures?
GrabWeapon = FellbeastGrabWeapon; SUB_L00E6BC20:Weapon //Fire this weapon when this guy grabs a victim
FireGrabWeaponOnVictim = No; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we fire the GrabWeapon on the guy we grabbed or not?
ConditionForEntry = ModelConditionState : MOUNTED; L01169580 //Condition required to enter the container ///(??AnimState: MOUNTED??)<<--BFME1?
ShouldThrowOutPassengers = No; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Should I throw out anyone that goes into me?
ThrowOutPassengersDelay = 100; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Delay before throwing out those passengers in ms
ThrowOutPassengersVelocity = X : 10.0 Y : 10.0 Z : 0.0; SUB_L006D5320:XYZ Vector //Velocity to give the passengers thrown
ThrowOutPassengersLandingWarhead = DwarfZerkerLeapWarhead; SUB_L00E6BC20:Weapon //Use this weapon to deal damage or such when the passenger hits the ground
FadeFilter = ALL - MONSTER; SUB_L00EDCA00:Object Filter //Guys to fade in when they enter this container
FadePassengerOnEnter = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we fade the passengers when they enter the containter?
FadePassengerOnExit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we fade the passengers when they exit the containter?
EnterFadeTime = 6000; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //How long does the fade when entering last?
ExitFadeTime = 1000; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //How long does the fade when exiting last?
FadeReverse = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we want to invert the fading process? (Fade in instead of out)
ReleaseSnappyness = 0.05; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //1.0 is very snappy, 0.0 is very loose
UpgradeCreationTrigger = Upgrade_BattleWagonAxeThrowers DwarvenBattleWagonAxeThrower 2; L011693D0:Upgrade - Object - Amount //Upgrade buys us these guys... //Multiple Entries Allowed
; L01F1FD30:   
ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
; RankInfo = ; L010BFBC0: RankNumber - Object - Positions - (Leader : The guy to follow)//Multiple Entries Allowed
RankInfo = RankNumber : 1 UnitType : GoblinFighter Position : X:50 Y : 0 Position : X : 50 Y : 20 Position : X : 50 Y : -20 Position : X : 50 Y : 40 Position : X : 50 Y : -40
RankInfo = RankNumber : 2 UnitType : GoblinFighter Position : X:30 Y : 0 Leader 1 0 Position : X : 30 Y : 20 Leader 1 1 Position : X : 30 Y : -20 Leader 1 2 Position : X : 30 Y : 40 Leader 1 3 Position : X : 30 Y : -40 Leader 1 4
RanksThatStopAdvance = 1; L010C0BC0: RankNumber //Move towards this RankInformationNumber when the horde becomes smaller
RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2; L010C0B40: Integer List //The ranks to allow to attack when attacking
RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking = 1 2; L010C0B40: Integer List //The ranks to allow to do whatever they want when attacking
; ComboHorde = ; L010C07D0: Object - Object - Sound //This horde can join with the Target horde to form a new horde which is determined by the Result parameter, and what sound to play when this happens
ComboHorde = Target : GondorArcherHorde Result : GondorFighterArcherComboHorde InitiateVoice : GondorSoldierVoiceJoinAnybody
AlternateFormation = GondorFighterHordeBlock; SUB_L006D4C30:String(Object) //The alternate formation horde object
RandomOffset = X : 5 Y : 3; SUB_L006D5380: XY Vector //Offset the positions randomly by a maximum of this much
LeaderPosition = X : 60.0 Y : 0.0 Z : 0.0; SUB_L006D5320:XYZ Vector //Position of the Leader
LeadersAllowed = GondorArcher; SUB_L006D4CF0:List of Strings(Objects) //The object that is the Leader
BannerCarrierPosition = UnitType : IsengardFighter Pos : X:70.0 Y : 0.0; L010C0340: Object - XYZ Vector //The position of the banner carrier, and what type it should Morph into
BannerCarriersAllowed = IsengardBannerOrc; SUB_L006D4CF0:List of Strings(Objects) //The units that are allowed as banner carriers for this horde
BannerCarrierDestroyHordeOnDeath = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //If the banner carrier dies, does the horde die as well?
BannerCarrierHordeDeathType = +NORMAL; L00E6D050: ALL / NONE Filter //It seems that NONE is not needed at the beginning, but this is the Death type that occurs when it gets destroyed due to the Banner Carrier
LeaderRank = 0; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //The rank of the leader
BackUpMinDelayTime = 1; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //The minimum amount of time to delay before backing up
BackUpMaxDelayTime = 3000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //The maximum amount of time to delay before backing up
BackUpMinDistance = 1; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //The minimum number of cells to backup
BackUpMaxDistance = 3; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //The maximum number of cells to backup
BackupPercentage = 80 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage //The amount of chance that a unit will back up.
CowerRadius = 30.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //The radius in which the units in the horde will cower
AttributeModifiers = IsengardWargSkirmish; SUB_L006D4CF0:List of Strings(Modifiers) //Attribute modifiers applied to objects in this horde when in this formation
IsPorcupineFormation = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Is it the porcupine formation?
ForcedLocomotorSet = SET_CONTAINED; SUB_L006D3B30; L02233CA8 //Force this locomoter set on the units in the horde
MachineAllowed = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we allow a machine in the horde?
MachineType = IsengardSiegeLadder; SUB_L006D4C30:String(Object) //Machine allowed in the horde
UseSlowHordeMovement = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Dp we move slowly within the horde?
; SplitHorde = ; L010C0580: Object - Object - (RankNumber) //Multiple Entries Allowed //Split the horde into these hordes when splitting
SplitHorde = SplitResult : GondorFighterHorde UnitType : GondorFighter
SplitHorde = SplitResult : GondorRangerHorde UnitType : GondorRanger
SplitHorde = SplitResult : LAElvenWarriorHorde UnitType : LAElvenWarrior RankNumber : 1
SplitHorde = SplitResult : LAElvenWarriorHorde UnitType : LAElvenWarrior RankNumber : 2
MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 25.0; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.
EvaEventLastMemberDeath = BuildingStolen; L00ACAD80:EvaEvent //Play this Eva event when the last member dies
RankSplit = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we split via Ranks?
SplitHordeNumber = 5; SUB_L006D4430:Signed Integer Value //Amount of units in each horde when split (?)
NotComboFormation = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //When Yes: This formation is not suitable for combo, so it will switch out of this when combo-ing
UseMarchingAnims = Yes; SUB_L006D3400:Boolean //Do we use the Marching Animations? (MARCHING)
FrontAngle = 360; SUB_L006D46C0:Float Point Value //What angle is the front of the horde? 360 = Can't be flanked
FlankedDelay = 2000; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Delay before getting flanked
FlankedDuration = 100; SUB_L00E6CB10:Unsigned Integer Value //Duration of being flanked once initially being flanked
MeleeBehavior = Amoeba; L010C0C50 //The behavior that the melee fighters have in this container
MinimumHordeSize = 5; SUB_L006D4520:Unsigned Integer Value //Minimum amount of objects required in the horde to be able to be in this formation
VisionRearOverride = 100 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage //How much vision do we have from the rear?
VisionSideOverride = 100 % ; SUB_L006D4D20:Percentage //How much vision do we have from the side?
BannerCarrierMinLevel = 0; L006D3FD0:Integer //Minimum level in order to get a Banner Carrier (?) //ROTWK
LivingWorldOverloadTemplate = AngmarThrallMaster; SUB_L006D4C30:String(Object) //If this horde exists in the Living World, replace it with this horde object


Member Data Documentation

◆ ContainMax

SignedInteger ContainMax

Max amount of units allowed in this container

◆ EnterSound

AudioEvent EnterSound

Sound to play when entering the container

◆ ExitSound

AudioEvent ExitSound

Sound to play when leaving the container

◆ DamagePercentToUnits

Percentage DamagePercentToUnits

This percent of damage that this object gets is given to what is contained

◆ PassengerFilter

ObjectFilter PassengerFilter

Who is allowed to get in the container

◆ ManualPickUpFilter

ObjectFilter ManualPickUpFilter

we do not want the user to be able to manually pick up an orc with a troll.

◆ PassengersTestCollisionHeight

FloatingPoint PassengersTestCollisionHeight

Check collision to disable certain high units from entering?

◆ PassengersInTurret

Boolean PassengersInTurret

Put the contained units in the position of the Turrets -> My passengers ride in my turret, that's where the Firepoint bones are

◆ NumberOfExitPaths

SignedInteger NumberOfExitPaths

Defaults to 1. Set 0 to not use ExitStart/ExitEnd, set higher than 1 to use ExitStart01-nn/ExitEnd01-nn

◆ DoorOpenTime

UnsignedInteger DoorOpenTime

Time to wait for doors to open before letting the units go in or out -> 0 = this prevents the Contain module from messing with the doors, since we want DeliverPayload to handle 'em

◆ AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride

Boolean AllowOwnPlayerInsideOverride

Normally, the Allies check encompasses OwnPlayer. but we reeeeally only want our own guys.

◆ AllowAlliesInside

Boolean AllowAlliesInside

Allow this object's Allies to use the container

◆ AllowEnemiesInside

Boolean AllowEnemiesInside

Allow this object's Enemies to use the container

◆ AllowNeutralInside

Boolean AllowNeutralInside

Allow objects that are neutral to this object to use the container

◆ ShowPips

Boolean ShowPips

Show Healthbar of contained units

◆ CollidePickup

Boolean CollidePickup

Collide with what you pick up?

◆ PassengerBonePrefix

PassengerBoneKindof PassengerBonePrefix

Put the contained units at given bone(s) with this prefix if they are this KindOf. Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ BoneSpecificConditionState

IndexAnimationState BoneSpecificConditionState

Gives the unit at the bones mentioned in the "BonePrefix" with a certain number a PassengerVariation state. Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ EjectPassengersOnDeath

Boolean EjectPassengersOnDeath

Relase my contained units on death

◆ KillPassengersOnDeath

Boolean KillPassengersOnDeath

Kill contained units when I die

◆ Enabled

Boolean Enabled

Is this module enabled? :S

◆ ObjectStatusOfContained

ObjectStatus ObjectStatusOfContained

Object Status given to contained units.

◆ ModifierToGiveOnExit

Strings ModifierToGiveOnExit

Strings(ModifierList) Modifier to give to a unit when it leaves the container. Multiple Entries Allowed.

◆ ModifierRequiredTime

UnsignedInteger ModifierRequiredTime

How long the unit has to be in the container in order to get the modifier

◆ ExemptStatus

ObjectStatus ExemptStatus

May not have this Status

◆ RequiredStatus

ObjectStatus RequiredStatus

Must have this Status

◆ DamageAmountRequired

FloatingPoint DamageAmountRequired

Damage required before this behavior can occur

◆ MinKillerAngle

Degrees MinKillerAngle

◆ MaxKillerAngle

Degrees MaxKillerAngle

◆ Slots

Amount of units allowed in the horde

◆ ScatterNearbyOnExit

Boolean ScatterNearbyOnExit

No = I have bones for exiting

◆ OrientLikeContainerOnExit

Boolean OrientLikeContainerOnExit

Orient in the same direction as the object I just left

◆ GoAggressiveOnExit

Boolean GoAggressiveOnExit

AI Will tell people to set their mood to Aggressive on exiting

◆ ResetMoodCheckTimeOnExit

Boolean ResetMoodCheckTimeOnExit

Reset some mood check timer?

◆ DestroyRidersWhoAreNotFreeToExit

Boolean DestroyRidersWhoAreNotFreeToExit

'destroy' as opposed to 'kill' the riders that may not exit

◆ ExitBone

String ExitBone

String(Bone) Bone name which units walk to upon exiting the container

◆ ExitPitchRate

FloatingPoint ExitPitchRate

Pitch Angle, Pitch angle at which to eject contained ?

◆ InitialPayload

Payload InitialPayload

Amount of units initially in the horde. Multiple Entries Allowed.

◆ HealthRegen_PerSec

FloatingPoint HealthRegen_PerSec

Parseable Name is HealthRegen%PerSec! Amount of health gained per second for the contained units

◆ ExitDelay

UnsignedInteger ExitDelay

Delay exiting per unit by this amount of milliseconds

◆ TypeOneForWeaponSet

KindofList TypeOneForWeaponSet


◆ TypeTwoForWeaponSet

KindofList TypeTwoForWeaponSet


◆ TypeOneForWeaponState

KindofList TypeOneForWeaponState

Sets WEAPONSTATE_ONE to these kindofs

◆ TypeTwoForWeaponState

KindofList TypeTwoForWeaponState

Sets WEAPONSTATE_TWO to these kindofs

◆ TypeThreeForWeaponState

KindofList TypeThreeForWeaponState

Sets WEAPONSTATE_THREE to these kindofs

◆ ForceOrientationContainer

Boolean ForceOrientationContainer

Can contained units orient themselves towards their targets?

◆ CanGrabStructure

Boolean CanGrabStructure

Can we grab objects that are structures?

◆ GrabWeapon

Weapon GrabWeapon

Fire this weapon when this guy grabs a victim

◆ FireGrabWeaponOnVictim

Boolean FireGrabWeaponOnVictim

Do we fire the GrabWeapon on the guy we grabbed or not?

◆ ConditionForEntry

ContainCondition ConditionForEntry

Condition required to enter the container ///(??AnimState: MOUNTED??)<<–BFME1?

◆ ShouldThrowOutPassengers

Boolean ShouldThrowOutPassengers

Should I throw out anyone that goes into me?

◆ ThrowOutPassengersDelay

UnsignedInteger ThrowOutPassengersDelay

Delay before throwing out those passengers in ms

◆ ThrowOutPassengersVelocity

Vector3 ThrowOutPassengersVelocity

Velocity to give the passengers thrown

◆ ThrowOutPassengersLandingWarhead

Weapon ThrowOutPassengersLandingWarhead

Use this weapon to deal damage or such when the passenger hits the ground

◆ FadeFilter

ObjectFilter FadeFilter

Guys to fade in when they enter this container

◆ FadePassengerOnEnter

Boolean FadePassengerOnEnter

Do we fade the passengers when they enter the containter?

◆ FadePassengerOnExit

Boolean FadePassengerOnExit

Do we fade the passengers when they exit the containter?

◆ EnterFadeTime

FloatingPoint EnterFadeTime

How long does the fade when entering last?

◆ ExitFadeTime

FloatingPoint ExitFadeTime

How long does the fade when exiting last?

◆ FadeReverse

Boolean FadeReverse

Do we want to invert the fading process? (Fade in instead of out)

◆ ReleaseSnappyness

FloatingPoint ReleaseSnappyness

1.0 is very snappy, 0.0 is very loose

◆ UpgradeCreationTrigger

UpgradeObjectAmount UpgradeCreationTrigger

Upgrade buys us these guys... Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation

Boolean ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation

Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)

◆ RankInfo

Multiple Entries Allowed

◆ RanksThatStopAdvance

UnsignedInteger RanksThatStopAdvance

Move towards this RankInformationNumber when the horde becomes smaller

◆ RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking

UnsignedIntegerList RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking

The ranks to allow to attack when attacking

◆ RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking

UnsignedIntegerList RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking

The ranks to allow to do whatever they want when attacking

◆ ComboHorde

This horde can join with the Target horde to form a new horde which is determined by the Result parameter, and what sound to play when this happens

◆ AlternateFormation

String AlternateFormation

String(Object) The alternate formation horde object

◆ RandomOffset

Vector2 RandomOffset

Offset the positions randomly by a maximum of this much

◆ LeaderPosition

Vector3 LeaderPosition

Position of the Leader

◆ LeadersAllowed

Strings LeadersAllowed

List of Strings(Objects) The object that is the Leader

◆ BannerCarrierPosition

ObjectPosition BannerCarrierPosition

The position of the banner carrier, and what type it should Morph into

◆ BannerCarriersAllowed

Strings BannerCarriersAllowed

List of Strings(Objects) The units that are allowed as banner carriers for this horde

◆ BannerCarrierDestroyHordeOnDeath

Boolean BannerCarrierDestroyHordeOnDeath

If the banner carrier dies, does the horde die as well?

◆ BannerCarrierHordeDeathType

DeathTypeFilter BannerCarrierHordeDeathType

It seems that NONE is not needed at the beginning, but this is the Death type that occurs when it gets destroyed due to the Banner Carrier

◆ LeaderRank

SignedInteger LeaderRank

The rank of the leader

◆ BackUpMinDelayTime

UnsignedInteger BackUpMinDelayTime

The minimum amount of time to delay before backing up

◆ BackUpMaxDelayTime

UnsignedInteger BackUpMaxDelayTime

The maximum amount of time to delay before backing up

◆ BackUpMinDistance

FloatingPoint BackUpMinDistance

The minimum number of cells to backup

◆ BackUpMaxDistance

FloatingPoint BackUpMaxDistance

The maximum number of cells to backup

◆ BackupPercentage

Percentage BackupPercentage

The amount of chance that a unit will back up.

◆ CowerRadius

FloatingPoint CowerRadius

The radius in which the units in the horde will cower

◆ AttributeModifiers

Strings AttributeModifiers

List of Strings(Modifiers) Attribute modifiers applied to objects in this horde when in this formation

◆ IsPorcupineFormation

Boolean IsPorcupineFormation

Is it the porcupine formation?

◆ ForcedLocomotorSet

LocomotorSetType ForcedLocomotorSet

Force this locomoter set on the units in the horde

◆ MachineAllowed

Boolean MachineAllowed

Do we allow a machine in the horde?

◆ MachineType

String MachineType

String(Object) //Machine allowed in the horde

◆ UseSlowHordeMovement

Boolean UseSlowHordeMovement

Do we move slowly within the horde?

◆ SplitHorde

Split the horde into these hordes when splitting. Multiple Entries Allowed.

◆ MeleeAttackLeashDistance

FloatingPoint MeleeAttackLeashDistance

How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.

◆ EvaEventLastMemberDeath

EvaEvent EvaEventLastMemberDeath

Play this Eva event when the last member dies

◆ RankSplit

Boolean RankSplit

Do we split via Ranks?

◆ SplitHordeNumber

SignedInteger SplitHordeNumber

Amount of units in each horde when split (?)

◆ NotComboFormation

Boolean NotComboFormation

When Yes : This formation is not suitable for combo, so it will switch out of this when combo - ing

◆ UseMarchingAnims

Boolean UseMarchingAnims

Do we use the Marching Animations? (MARCHING)

◆ FrontAngle

FloatingPoint FrontAngle

What angle is the front of the horde? 360 = Can't be flanked

◆ FlankedDelay

UnsignedInteger FlankedDelay

Delay before getting flanked

◆ FlankedDuration

UnsignedInteger FlankedDuration

Duration of being flanked once initially being flanked

◆ MeleeBehavior

The behavior that the melee fighters have in this container

◆ MinimumHordeSize

UnsignedInteger MinimumHordeSize

Minimum amount of objects required in the horde to be able to be in this formation

◆ VisionRearOverride

Percentage VisionRearOverride

How much vision do we have from the rear?

◆ VisionSideOverride

Percentage VisionSideOverride

How much vision do we have from the side?

◆ BannerCarrierMinLevel

UnsignedInteger BannerCarrierMinLevel

Minimum level in order to get a Banner Carrier (?) //ROTWK

◆ LivingWorldOverloadTemplate

String LivingWorldOverloadTemplate

String(Object) If this horde exists in the Living World, replace it with this horde object